Please, take some time to relax and enjoy some thoughts on writing, typography, and design.


Introducing Last Boss

As of late I’ve been brushing up on my code, and have applied it to yet another blogger hosted site, Last Boss. Last Boss is essentially, a dynamic platform on which to casually blog about video games, in the form of essays reviews etc.

The Last Boss Homepage

In a sense, this current state of  “Last Boss” is the first version. While I recruit some passionate gamers and writers to join me in some game related ramblings and analyses (I’m planning on writing a piece on Hotline Miami sometime later this week.) I’m also planning to upgrade the site periodically as my knowledge of web-coding expands. For instance I especially want to add some fancy Jquery functionality to the site—it already has some, in the form of dynamic class changing based on post label, but as the content on the site develops, so too, I hope, shall the structure and functionality. We’ll see where it goes.

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